We are looking for professional and compassionate caregivers to join our team at CARS.
- Must be a high school graduate, have a GED, or must demonstrate the ability to read the written personal care services assignment and write adequately to complete required forms and reports of visits.
- Must successfully complete and pass the 40-hour personal care services curriculum training course and the standardized examination designated by DOM.
- Experience in managing a home or experience in caregiving is preferable, but not required; must demonstrate the ability to work well with aged and disabled individuals who have limited functioning capacity; and must exhibit basic qualities of warmth and maturity and be able to respond to waiver participants and situations in a responsible manner.
- Personal care such as: Bathing, Dressing, Oral Care, Toileting, Meal Preparation, Serving Meals, Feeding and Running Errands.
- Housekeeping tasks such as: Tidying/Dusting, Laundering, Ironing, Mending, Sweeping & Mopping, Bedmaking, Kitchen & Bathroom.
- Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Must possess a valid Mississippi driver’s license, and have access to reliable transportation.
- Must be able to function independently without constant observation and supervision.
- Must be physically able to perform the job tasks required and assurance that communicable diseases of major public health concern are not present, as verified by a physician.
- Must have interest in, and empathy for, people who are ill, elderly, or disabled.
- Must be emotionally mature and able to respond to waiver participants and situations in a responsible manner.
- Must have good communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to deal effectively, assertively, and cooperatively with a variety of people.
- Must be a high school graduate, have a GED or demonstrate the ability to read and write adequately complete required forms and reports of visits.
- Must maintain current and active first aid and CPR certification.
- Must not have been convicted of or pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a felony of possession or sale of drugs, murder, manslaughter, armed robbery, rape, sexual battery, any sex offense listed in Section 45-33-23(f) of the Mississippi Codes, child abuse, arson, grand larceny, burglary, gratification of lust, aggravated assault, or felonious abuse and/or battery of vulnerable adult, or that any such conviction or plea was reversed on appeal or a pardon was granted for the conviction or plea. Background checks will be conducted by a company that specializes in back ground checks.
- Must be able to manage stress.
- Must be able to carry out and follow verbal and written instructions.
- Must have no physical/mental impairments to prevent lifting, transferring, or providing any other assistance to the waiver participant.
- Must have completed training/instruction that covers the purpose, functions, and tasks associated with the Personal Care Attendant services.
Please print and fill out the application below. Return completed application to:
403 S. MAIN ST
If you have any questions please contact us at 601-736-7383 or 601-736-0242.
CARE AT RESIDENCE SERVICES, INC. | 403 South Main St. | COLUMBIA, MS 39429 | 601-736-7383 | 601-736-0242 | INFO@CAREATRESIDENCE.COM